In 2010 the Parish Council proposed that Bolton should enter Cumbria in Bloom. Eleanor Hayton and Ann Shepherd showed interest and a small committee was formed - Bolton in Bloom:
Nicky Baxter - Parish Council rep
Linda Wade
Eleanor Hayton
Ann Shepherd
Bolton in Bloom now enters the annual competition “Cumbria in Bloom: Pride in your Community”, organised by Cumbria in Bloom as part of the Royal Horticultural Society Britain in Bloom. Entering the competition gives the volunteers something to work towards with the three guiding principles of:-
Horticultural achievement
Environmental responsibility
Community participation
The volunteers concern themselves with many issues from litter and dog fouling to footpath maintenance and enhancing the village environment with trees, plants and flowers.
Our aim is to maintain pride in our community and encourage people of all ages to take part.
Bolton in Bloom Committee
New volunteers are always welcome. Please get in touch.
Another successful year with more people showing interest.
For the third year running Bolton has won the Windermere Lake Cruise Trophy Gold Award for the Best Small Village category.We also won the Cumberland News Trophy for the (Small) Tidy Village category.
Derek and Barbara Cotton won an R.H.S. Neighbourhood Scheme Award achieving a Level 5 Award for their Glebe Byre Meadow and Copse.
Memorial Hall Field
A recycling bike was donated by Christine Rose and erected by David Williams. Baskets donated by Oliver Blair were planted with flowers and ivy and hung on the handlebars.
Tyres were donated by Richard Birkbeck and filled by Tony Hindson, Brian Sumerscales and Ken Shepherd. Nasturtiums were planted in these.
Brian and Sheila Summerscales have been busy with th eBog Garden. They also erected a splendid bug hotel.
Shelagh Leyland, through the Parish Council, was able to get a grant for compost bins, a garden shed, wheelbarrow, strimmer and tools.
Bolton WI donated a colourful display of filled bras which were hubg in the railings.
Kath and Malc Statham organised Open Gardens and Classic Vehicle display in July. The proceeds going to village causes.
Bolton Primary School is involved in producing posters which are displayed in the village. There is also an after school gardening club.
(To see our successes in previous years Click here)