Bolton Village

In the Heart of Eden’s Countryside


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Click on a heading below to view selected document


District Plan Presentation

Bolton Neighboroughood Development Plan Steering Group Constitution

NDP Steering Group Meeting 5th August 2015

NDP Steering Group Meeting 3rd June 2015    

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting  18th May 2015

Extraordinary Meeting of Bolton Parish Council and the NDP Steering Group April 16 2015

NDP Steering Group Meeting 12th March 2015

NDP Steering Group Meeting 13th January 2015

NDP Steering Group Meeting 15th December 2014

NDP Steering Group Meeting 1st October 2014

NDP Steering Group Meeting 11th August 2014

Bolton Neighbourhood Development Plan (BNDP)

Bolton Parish has been working on the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for some time. We now have a Final Draft Plan that has benefited from professional advice and represents your inputs from the questionnaire circulated in May and the Parish Meeting held on May 18th.

The process now enters a formal six week consultation phase, during which time we publicise the Plan to people who live, work or carry on business in the Parish, and to other statutory consultation bodies. This period will run from Monday 22nd June to Monday 3rd August 2015.   Comments or representations on the Plan should be made by 3rd August to the Clerk, preferably by email, but a letter will also be acceptable. Letters can be posted to North End Farmhouse, Bolton CA16 6AX, or dropped in the post box attached to the railings in front of the Memorial Hall.

Following this consultation, the Plan will be amended to take into account any significant issues raised.  It will then be submitted to Eden District Council for screening, to ensure that it meets the criteria for Neighbourhood Plans (such as adherence to national and local policy, and environmental and sustainability screening).  An external examiner will then examine the plan.  Once approved, the plan will then be subject to a public referendum in the Parish, on which you will be asked to vote.  If the plan gains majority support, it will become a statutory document.

This is a project of major significance for the village in terms of ensuring development in the future is more proportionate and sympathetic than it has been in the recent past. A number of residents have given freely of their time in order to develop the plan and we encourage everyone to do their part by looking at the plan and raising any questions now while you have the opportunity. We need your support when the referendum takes place.

Shelagh Leyland

Parish Clerk, on behalf of Bolton Parish Council

18th June 2015

Summary of the main issues addressed in the plan

The aim of the plan is to produce sustainable and sympathetic development of a proportionate annual rate and scale, in keeping with the wishes and needs of the community

This will be achieved by limiting development to a total of 40 new dwellings in the village over twenty years, including those 22 that already have planning approval. A maximum of 24 dwellings (conversions and possibly sympathetic new build) would also be permitted on the Eden Grove site (see below).

Existing planning consents/completions will be taken into account with the result that two or three dwellings will be built each year,

Any development will be limited to a maximum of three dwellings on the site, with the exception of Eden Grove and outlier farm conversions

Development will be expected to be in keeping with the character of   its surroundings in terms of style, materials, scale, density and plot size

Specific green spaces in the centre of the village will be preserved and development on other green field sites will only be allowed as a last resort. The policies will also seek to protect and advance the Parish’s natural and built environment

Additional dwellings may be permitted at established farm enterprises or rural businesses where there is a justified local need and employment opportunities will be supported where appropriate.  The Plan supports farm diversity by allowing flexibility in the use of farm buildings

Community facilities will be protected and developed where possible

Sympathetic development of Eden Grove will be encouraged but be limited to the footprint of existing dwellings. Existing woodland will be preserved and adequate parking spaces and safe access by road and foot will be required.  Developments that offer employment opportunities will be given preference

For a full copy of the Final  Bolton Neighbourhood Development Plan

Click here


See BNDP Policy EN1


Update on the BNDP September 2015

The Steering Group met on 5th August to review the responses received during the six week consultation phase, and amend the draft plan as necessary.The responses and amendments can be found in the Consultation Statement.   The Plan was submitted to Eden District Council for screening on 2nd September.


Update on the BNDP November 2016

         The Parish Council has decided to await the outcome of the Eden Grove development before updating the plan and arranging repeat consultation.

To view the Consultation Statement click here