Bolton Village

In the Heart of Eden’s Countryside


Parish Council

Memorial Hall


Mem Hall Film Club


Activities & Events

Local Businesses

Bolton’s History



Bolton Exchange

Bolton Primary School

Women’s Institute


Mothers’ Union

Bolton in Bloom

Useful Information


Parish Newsletter
       & Notices

Places of Worship

Planning / NDP

Bolton’s War Dead

New Crown Inn

Badminton Club

Bolton Wanderers

o Fellrunner. This is a volunteer run bus service to and from Penrith. We presently have two services per week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Timetables are displayed in the pickup point – our community shelter outside the Memorial Hall.

o Stagecoach provides other services – but not to and from Bolton! These services can be accessed at Appleby and Penrith – for service information contact 0871 200 2233 or

o British Rail services can be accessed at Appleby and Penrith. For more information contact 0845 7484950

o Voluntary Car Scheme. This is provided by volunteer drivers using their own cars and can provide lifts to doctors/hospital/dentist appointments and for local shopping needs. The coordinators who live in Bolton are Malcolm and Kath Statham 62430

o Rural Wheels offers another way of meeting your transport needs. For more information contact 01228 226721