Bolton Village
In the Heart of Eden’s Countryside
Bolton Memorial Hall
As its name implies this along with the Memorial Field is our Memorial for those that served
and died in the two World Wars
It is our very well used community centre and is managed by a team of volunteers
Links for more information
Minutes of the Memorial Hall AGM 5th March 2018
Receipts and Payments Account for year ended 31 December 2017
Bolton Memorial Hall -
The Memorial Hall received £290.55 for recycling during 2017 (£301.63 in 2016). This is a valuable source of income to keep the Hall functioning for such events as the recent bonfire night. A big thank you from the Hall Committee for those who support the site. And yet another plea for those who don't, to consider the slightly more onerous task of taking bottles, cans and paper there, rather than contributing to the coffers of the EDC.
Aerobics and Pilates
Debbie Chambers is now running classes in the Memorial Hall
Wednesday mornings during term time only.
Aerobics is from 9.30 – 10.15 and costs £4.
Pilates is from 10.15 – 11.00 and also costs £4. It’s £6 if you do both.
Contact Debbie on 07925535586.
A Christmas Carol
Memorial Hall
Saturday 2nd December, 7.30pm
Bar opens 7.00pm
Suitable for adults and accompanied children (8+)
Tickets: £9 adult, £4.50 school age children
Bolton Parish Council
Next Parish Council Mtg
Monday 17th September 2018
Upcoming Events
Sun 2nd Dec, Memorial Hall
A Christmas Carol
Group programme information links:
Memorial Hall Film Club
Mothers’ Union
Wanderers & Strollers