Bolton Village

In the Heart of Eden’s Countryside


Parish Council

Memorial Hall


Mem Hall Film Club


Activities & Events

Local Businesses

Bolton’s History



Bolton Exchange

Bolton Primary School

Women’s Institute


Mothers’ Union

Bolton in Bloom

Useful Information


Parish Newsletter
       & Notices

Places of Worship

Planning / NDP

Bolton’s War Dead

New Crown Inn

Badminton Club

Bolton Wanderers

Click here to view the latest Parish Newsletter

Heartstart Training

How to save a life. Would you know what to do?

By learning a few key skills


could help to save a life.


We are always looking to recruit new members of the community to train as first responders. Come to a Heartstart course and talk to the team who will be able to answer your questions.

 For more information please contact :

Caroline Sterling on 01931 714 971

  E mail:

Parish Post Box

The Parish Post Box is situated outside the Memorial Hall

Contact the Parish Clerk or your Local Councillor by letter

 Parish Notice Board

The Parish Notice Board is situated by the old petrol pump and newspaper bin on the Colby Road

Next Parish Council Meeting

Monday 21st January 2019

7.30pm  in the Memorial Hall


 The agenda will be published nearer the date


Superfast fibre broadband has now been delivered to more areas of Cumbria, with the upgrade of a new cabinet off Kirkby Thore exchange. Up to 172 premises should be able to access improved broadband speeds.


If you live in or around the area within the circles on the map, check with  to confirm you can get fibre broadband and contact an Internet Provider to find out what superfast offers and speeds are available and how to order.


For further information on Superfast Broadband in Cumbria please go to or email


Kirkby Thore cabinet number 7 - Serving properties in Bolton village


Please consider supporting the local 100 club, to support the Bolton Friends Association (the Primary school).   You pay a monthly subscription of £3 (or annual £36), and have the chance of winning a cash prize in the monthly draws.  

The money raised provides sports equipment/bus trips and educational resources amongst other things.

Contact Keira or call 61731 

Notes from the Parish Clerk

Shelagh Leyland, North End Farmhouse, 62327


   Welcome to anyone who has just moved into Bolton. If you have not received a “Welcome to Bolton” leaflet,  or would like to join the parish emailing list, let me know

Bolton Neighbourhood Development Plan

     The Parish Council has decided to await the outcome of the Eden Grove development before updating the plan and arranging repeat consultation.

Bolton Wanderers

Bolton Wanderers is going strong & is ready to launch a "Strollers" section - sociable walks of short distances (about 3 miles) with an equal emphasis on talking and viewing as well as walking.  Open to anyone.  Please contact Jim Sellars for more info:   62362 .   See here for more details.  

 Eden Grove

Eden Grove has been vandalised, almost certainly by kids -  broken glass & crockery all over the place.   if anyone has any info, please let me or the police know.

Aerobics and Pilates

Debbie Chambers is now running classes in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday mornings during term time only.  Aerobics is from 9.30 – 10.15 and costs £4.

  Pilates is from 10.15 – 11 and also costs £4.   It’s £6 if you do both.

 Contact Debbie on 07925535586.  

Bolton in Bloom

The theme this year is RHS Campaign Greening Grey

Britain for Wildlife

 Our success is very much the result of collective community effort. It’s not just what the judges see on the day that counts.  Amongst other things, they look at year round activities, evidence of sustainable, nature friendly initiatives that involve different groups of people, and use of recycled products.

Phone Box

The phone box has been removed.

Car parking in the village

The PC has been requested to relay some concerns about poor car parking practices.  The main problems are double parking outside the school at pick up time and parking on pavements, which restricts the passage of buggies and disability scooters.  I know people do this to avoid blocking the road for passing vehicles, but please bear in mind that people do have to pass on the pavement also.  

Bolton Wanderers Walking Group

 The inaugural walk in December (a 9 mile circular in the Great Asby area) attracted 12 walkers and was a great success. Monthly walks are planned.  The walks are a little longer and more challenging than those of the Morland Walking Group.

It is free to join, not a Club where costs and rules apply

To join the Bolton group or for more information visit the Walking Group page or contract

 Jim Sellars 017683 62363